Small Private Parties

We are now offering small group private game packages for only $529.00

What’s included?

2.75 hour time slot (10:15 to 1:00 or 1:30 to 4:15).

Up to 10 participants with rental gear if needed (mask, marker, camo top). A few extra players may be added (up to 6 more) for $35.00 each.

1 case of 2,000 paintballs for the group to share (extra paintballs available to purchase if needed).

One staff member to organize and oversee game play.

Rotation between several playing fields.

Choice of .50 calibre or .68 calibre paintballs.

Click any of the “Book Now” buttons and choose the Small Private Party Package or call 250-658-1177

Regular play in our open games is available as well of course where you will most likely get to play with more players and save some money. You can see pricing for our open games on our Prices and Hours page

The fine print:

Must be pre-booked on a first paid, first served basis.

Extra players (up to 6 extra) may be added if space is available at $35 ea. (no extra paintballs included but are available for purchase).

Taxes extra.

2021 Christmas Specials


Only $49.99 (plus tax) – includes rentals and 500 paintballs


2 for 1 Field Fees and Rentals $30.00 (plus tax) (paintballs extra and purchasable on game day)

Tickets can be used in any public game at TNT Paintball on most Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 to 4:00 and have no expiration date. Minimum age of participants is 10 years old.


Easy no contact online purchase available for a limited time only (ends December 24).  Tickets will be emailed to you immediately. Just click the present on the right and follow the prompts:

Shop Local!

Online Booking Now Open

To book online, just click on any of the “Book Now” buttons found on every page and follow the prompts. Make sure you choose the right package for your group. If unsure, don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance.

Most of our packages are for weekends, although sometimes we will open them for weekdays if we have enough players booked for a particular weekday (you will see all available dates during the booking process). If you would like to play on a weekday and it is not available for the package you see, you can choose our “Weekday Package” instead. Payment for a minimum 10 players is needed for an initial weekday booking, but extras can be added. You can also choose to make your weekday game a private party for an additional cost.

***Note*** Small private weekend group bookings (up to 16 players) can now be booked online. However, large private (20 or more players) weekend bookings must be done with us over the phone. Please call us at 250-658-1177.

2020 Christmas Special


Only $49.99 (plus tax) for a limited time – includes rentals and 500 paintballs

This all day paintball experience in Greater Victoria is over 33% off our regular drop-in rate and can be used during any open (non-private) game usually held every Saturday & Sunday.

We know life has been restrictive during the covid pandemic and people are yearning to be able to get out and have some safe outdoor fun again so we are offering this special with no expiration date, that can be used anytime in 2021 and even beyond 2021 if you choose.


Easy no contact online purchase available for a limited time only (ends December 24).  Just click the present on the right and follow the prompts:

Shop Local!

Now Open with certain Restrictions

*Edit: due to recent changes announced by our Provincial Health Officer, we are now no longer restricted to only juniors (under 22 years old) in team sport activities. Therefore players in our open groups can now be any age 10 years old or older.

Drop-in paintball is not available at this time. All participants must be pre-booked and field fees/rentals must be prepaid. No drop-in paintball doesn’t mean you need a big group to book. You are welcome to book as few as one person, but it needs to be pre-booked and field fees need to be prepaid in advance.

At this time, all bookings must be made by telephone. Please call 250-658-1177.

Stay Safe

We can be contacted by phone (250-658-1177) or email (

TNT Paintball is Re-Opening

Sorry for the long post, but there is much information to cover, so please make sure you read it all so you don’t miss out on being able to play.

Starting May 23, TNT Paintball is re-opening with limited participation as per British Columbia’s Provincial Health Guidelines.  A maximum of 50 people will be allowed at the facility at one time.  During the foreseeable future we will be requiring social distancing among customers not living in the same household, both on our playing fields and in the registration, parking, and safe zone areas.  We also suggest our visitors wear face masks while at the facility.

Our rental equipment will be given an extra thorough cleaning regiment.  Each of our rental masks will only be used once per week and sanitized after each use of course.

Due to the limited allowable number of participants, ALL participants will need to be prepay.  As we cannot chance having more than allowable number of people at the field, there will be no drop-in (pay at the gate) players allowed.  This includes those players that have memberships.  We have made a special “Membership Holder” package for our online booking  process which will allow members to purchase some paintballs to secure a reserved spot.  ALL renters and gear owners will need to prepay for their field fee/rental or field fee package.  During the on-line payment process, renters and  gear owners will have the ability to purchase 500 paintballs each at a special deeper discounted price to encourage people to pre-purchase their paintballs so our staff will have even less contact with our customers (extra paintballs will still be available at the field to purchase should you require more).

We will have Splat Ball, .50 calibre (Renters Only), and .68 calibre (Renters and Gear Owners welcome) paintball available, but will not have both .50 calibre and .68 calibre paintball available on the same day.  The easiest way to find out which days will have the version you would prefer to play is to press the book now button on our website.  Enter the number of players in your group (between 1 and 30).  During the process you will be given choices of the days available for your chosen version of paintball.  The online booking system has a hard cut-off at 30 players for both .50 and .68 calibre.  Once 30 people have signed up, it will not allow any further booking s for that day.  If you enter a number or participants higher than what is still available, that date will not show as available to book.  For instance, if you want to bring out 8 people on Saturday but there are only 7 spots left, Saturday’s date will not show up as an available date for you.  If you enter “7” instead of “8” it will show up.

Those of you booking for a youth 10th to 16th birthday for either .50 or .68 calibre and are not needing to pay for the birthday child, book for the number of players you need to pay for (i.e. total 8 with the birthday child, book for 7) and leave a note in the comments section that you have the birthday child as well.  We will then reserve one extra spot for your group.  If you would like to take advantage of the reduced prepaid rate for 500 players for each participant, we will honour that rate for the birthday child’s 500 paintball on game day at the field or you can call us and prepay for those 500 as well with a credit card over the phone.

Splat Ball will be limited to groups of 10 players, plus two extra helpers (usually parents) in the Safe Zone.  Other parents not wanting to go home while their kids are playing must either wait in their cars or in a separate viewing area, well away from the rest of the participants.  There are some beautiful parks and hiking areas nearby (i.e. Matheson Lake, East Sooke Park, Galloping Goose) that may be viable options for those choosing to stay nearby.  We will have one Splat Ball group with signup starting at 10:30 and ending at 1:00 (must leave facility by 1:30) and one Splat Ball group starting signup at 1:30 and ending at 4:00).  Each Splat Ball group will have their own sanitized shelter built to accommodate 20 or more participants under normal circumstances.

Paintball (not Splat Ball) participation will be limited to 30 participants spread out between two of our shelters to allow for social distancing.  Due to the limited number of participants that we can accommodate, we suggest booking your paintball outing early to ensure you get a spot.

We are also suspending our hot dog lunch option for the time being.  We will still have chips, chocolate bars and beverages for sale.  You are welcome to bring your own food of course.

We also have weeknight paintball available Mondays through Thursdays for groups between 10 to 20 participants.  These are private parties.  More information is available on our website at .

Also, due to our current restrictions, our monthly .68 calibre Discount Games will be suspended. We hope to resume this popular monthly event as soon as we are able to run at full capacity again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at 250-658-1177 or email us at  To make a booking or view which dates are currently available for your preferred version of paintball press any of the “Book Now” links and enter the number of players in your group and you will see all available dates.

We look forward to seeing everyone again and providing some exciting, safe outdoor fun!


Up to 10 participants for only $500. Everything needed to play including ten bags of 500 paintballs.

2.5 hour session starting at 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Additional players may be added (up to 10 more) at a rate of $50 ea. (includes 500 paintball each). Play will be on various themed fields as daylight permits and we’ll finish off under our stadium lights on our popular Hyperball Field when daylight fades.

Available in both our .50 calibre or .68 calibre version.

A great way to show your staff some appreciation, team building, team windups, or just a group of friends getting together for some fun!
Booknow or call us at 250-658-1177

Temporary Field Closure

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, for the safety of our customers and staff, and to aid in reducing the strain on our health care system in the coming weeks, TNT Paintball will not be hosting games for a short period.

The situation is changing on a daily basis; therefore we do not know exactly when we will resume business as usual.  For the time being, we will accept reservations for April 25 and later.  Keep in mind that should our government health officials deem it necessary for our community’s health, those bookings could possibly be cancelled or postponed as well.  We will of course give you as much notice as we can should that be necessary.

We will add onto this post as the situation changes, so please refer here for updates.

April 25, 2020 update: We are waiting for easing of restriction for businesses that will allow us to open. When we are given the green light to open the way we do business will change for a while. Overall attendance at our facility will most likely be capped and group sizes will also be capped. Drop-in paintball will be limited or even non-existent for a while until this pandemic is considered eradicated. Social distancing will be practised. Pre-payment for groups will be necessary for a while. We will provide more details on this once an opening date has been established.

Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back!

Never played paintball at TNT Paintball before? Not sure if it’s going to be something you will enjoy? We are so confident that you will have a blast at TNT Paintball that if anytime during the first three hours of your day at TNT Paintball you want to call it quits because you aren’t really enjoying yourself, all you have to do is hand in your rental gear, and we will give you a full refund on your field fees and rental costs (paintballs cannot be refunded). With the Satisfaction Guarantee at TNT Paintball, there is no reason not to give paintball a try.

Note: This offer is valid for first time players at TNT Paintball taking part in our Renter Only (.50 calibre) or .68 calibre paintball games and is limited to local residents only, residing from Duncan south to Victoria or on any of the Gulf Islands. This offer is not valid for Splat Ball parties.

Customer Appreciation Day – March 1

We want to thank you, our customers, on Sunday March 1 for some very affordable fun.  For a mere $35 you will be able to play from 11:00 until 4:00, get rental gear if needed and 500 paintballs.  The cost will be $25 for players who hold a valid previously purchased membership


We will have both .50 calibre and .68 calibre games running concurrently (on different fields of course). Participation is limited to 60 players in each game. Drop-ins welcome, however once sold out you may be turned away, which would be a shame, so book online early to make sure you have a spot. Current membership holders, call us at 250-658-1177 to reserve.  We are not reserving spots without prepayment – no exceptions. Lunch will be available for an additional $4.50 served at approximately 1:00 p.m.

We will also have our Frequent Player Punch Cards on sale during our Customer Appreciation Day as well as on Saturday February 29 for 25% off. This means a Punch Card, good for fives individual field fees and rentals, can be purchased for a mere $56.25. We will have a limit number of these cards available (first come first served). More information on these cards can be found here: here

For those of you with your own .68 calibre gear, our annual and lifetime memberships will be on sale for 1/3 off during our Customer Appreciation Day as well as on Saturday February 29. Memberships entitle you to free field fees for any regular open .68 calibre game, 50% discount on field fees on any special event day like our monthly .68 calibre Discount Day, 10% discount off paintball purchases (any day). More information on our Memberships here.  The .68 calibre Memberships will also be available by phone on February 29 & March 1 for those of you who can’t make it up to the field.


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