Powder Keg 2022
What’s a Powder Keg Event?
It’s a day of discounted field fees & rentals and heavily discounted .68 calibre paintballs.
It’s a day where all modes of fire incl. full auto are permitted.
It’s a day where the number of paintballs headed your way increases dramatically.
It’s a day of mostly respawn games.
It’s a day not recommended for the faint of heart.
This event uses our larger .68 calibre paintballs, not out (Less Ouch!) .50 calibre balls. There will be many players with their own gear playing with and against you. There will be many paintballs coming at you at any given time. If you are ready for some adrenaline pumping action, then this event may be what you are looking for! Powder Keg 2022 is this Sunday October 16. Limited capacity. Book soon or miss out! Don’t let yourself be turned away.
Register by clicking any of the “Book Now” buttons. Choose the “PowderKeg 2022” option, either the gear owner or renter option. If you have both gear owners and renters in your group, you will have to make two separate bookings. Call us at 250-658-1177 if you need assistance or have questions.