Advanced Player Days

Advanced Player 2

Are you a veteran player wanting to sling some paint, or an occasional player looking for a more challenging game?

Then our new, once-a-month, Advanced Player Days are for you.

Look forward to deeply discounted entry and paint prices, and a higher level of competition than a regular day of rec play at TNT.

Expect more paint in the air, higher rates of fire, and more aggressive play. The “surrender rule” will be optional, meaning bunkering is OK for these games.

Unlike our Powder Keg events, Advanced Player Days will feature games on individual rather than combined fields, and rates of fire will be limited to semi- and pump-only.

“How much? How much?” you’re probably asking… here’s the details:

Entry is $15 if pre-paid, or $20 at the door. Paint prices are $5/100, $22.50/500, or $82.50 a case (2,000).

Advanced Player Day will be held on the last Saturday of the month from March to September only, so mark your calendar for the four remaining this year.

Book online now, or call 250-658-1177 to pre-pay.


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